NUFORC UFO Sighting 71506

Occurred: 2009-08-05 20:45 Local
Reported: 2009-08-05 21:52 Pacific
Duration: 35 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Roswell, NM, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Large orange lights north of Roswell, NM

My brother from Oklahoma (who didn't believe in this stuff until tonight!) were Coyote hunting 15 miles north of Roswell, at 20:45 while facing North, my brother said "Look at the UFO!" This HUGE string of square/Oval shaped orange lights were moving in concession eastward, First 2 then three the the whole thing lit up to the east like a craft you see in the movies. It lasted 35 seconds then just disappeared! It was well defined. It looked as it was ONE object, and it was HUGE, we are not intelligent enough to make something that large fly.

I live in Roswell, and always think the people talking about this stuff are idiots!! Never again will I think that!! This was the most amazing thing Ive seen in my 32 years of life!!WOW!! I actually cant believe Im writing this!! I'm very familiar with aircraft, Scientific balloons and what not, this thing was so big!! Nothing man made!

Minutes later a fighter jet (from Kirkland?) was seen flying at high altitude east over the area where we seen the lights! Very weird!

Posted 2009-08-27

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