NUFORC Sighting 70617

Occurred: 1967-04-14 22:30 Local
Reported: 2009-06-21 17:18 Pacific
Duration: App. 20 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Westbury (Long Island), NY, USA

Shape: Formation

Sighting April 14, 1967

April 14, 1967: I was driving West on the Northern State Parkway when I noticed lights in the sky ahead of me, moving slowly in a line and traveling from South to North (left to right). I continued driving until I was past the Post Avenue exit and almost under the lights, then pulled onto the soft shoulders. There were dozens of cars parked, with people all looking skyward.

I have no idea how many "lights" there were since I did not see the beginning of the line, but I did observe at least 8, which were yellow-orange in color and emitted no noise. An odd thing at the end of the line occurred: the object that was second from last moved out of position, passed the one in front of it, and got back in line, thus becoming the third from the end.

The next day I contacted MacArthur Field, and the Suffolk Air Force Base who claimed they had heard nothing. The local Police Department, however, said their phones were "ringing off the hook."

On May 9, 1967, I contacted Project Blue Book, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, giving pertinent information in detail and received a 7 page form to be filled in and returned, which I did.

I received a letter from Major Hector Quintanilla advising me that I was watching "an aircraft with an electrical advertising sign." Note my second paragraph, last sentence about the object that changed position. Also, if it were an aircraft, it would have had to be tremendously large.

It’s been over 40 years since the sighting and I have never learned what it was that I saw.

Posted 2009-08-05

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