NUFORC Sighting 70111

Occurred: 2009-05-19 22:10 Local
Reported: 2009-05-20 04:56 Pacific
Duration: few seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Sheffield Lake, OH, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Bright white circular flash in the sky

While outside in my backyard I initally noticed a bright one second flash in the sky that caught my attention as well as my dog. When I looked up to the sky I didn't see anything for approximately 2-3 minutes. Then I saw directly a bright circular white flash nearly directly above me that lasted one-two seconds. The flash was circular, starting small, expanded, then recinded to nothing. It was diffently extremely high in the sky, expanding to approximatley ten times the size of the stars in the sky. I stayed outside another ten minutes looking around and saw nothing else. The sky was 100 percent clear with no planes or other things in the sky. What caught my attention was the quick burst of light in a perfect circular shape. The area I live in is quite dark allowing me to see the stars in the sky easily at night.

Posted 2009-06-09

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