NUFORC UFO Sighting 70063

Occurred: 2009-05-16 23:05 Local
Reported: 2009-05-17 01:40 Pacific
Duration: 45 min.
No of observers: 1

Location: Kirkland, WA, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Changed Color, Landed


It was flashing red, green and blue (sometimes) it moved side to side and up and down, but for the most part it just stayed stationary. It seem to have a bell or acorn shape sometimes.

It was above the tree tops in the back of my house. It seem to get low to the ground and something separated from it and I could see a small light flashing from the ground. When the separation occurred there was a red long light or beam. There was not any sound from the objects but I was hearing the sound of branches snaping or something like it ever so often. Than the light went back down to the ground it seemed to be out of sight, for about 2 minutes. Then I saw it comming back up, it was just a low pulsing blue light, (star blue light)and I watched it travel up high into the night sky heading south. I called 911 and the city of Kirkland sent out an officer. I also got a few pics that seem somewhat strange. One is of the separation and in the pic there are 2 objects from the main craft. There is a large tract of land behind my house. It was a dump back in the 50's. I know without a dought that this was an alien craft. I know this sounds strange, but I had a feeling that they wanted me to see this.


Twinkling stars?? PD

Posted 2009-06-09

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