NUFORC UFO Sighting 70030

Occurred: 2009-05-13 03:00 Local
Reported: 2009-05-13 14:12 Pacific
Duration: days
No of observers: 1

Location: Vero, FL, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Emitted beams, Electrical or magnetic effects

unusual energy presence-phenomena rural us farm - west vero , florida

unusual premonition sighting directions are: take state road I-95 (state of florida) , exit #68 travel westbound in opposite direction to vero beach, florida. travel 8-13 miles westbound until you reach blinking traffic lights at the intersection. there is on the left a travel and tourism gift shop and trucker stop on the right. turn right travelling northbound for about 8 miles. on the right you will see the first ranch/farm on the right side or east side of the two lane rural road. under no circumstances go alone! when you arrive at the first ranch you see that the farm is a stereo typical of trailer home. behind the home at night there has been peculiar / unusual dark distorted air space behind the house. lights that develop colors as if a dark spot near the woods that reflects a rainbow type stream line of energy toward the ground. there may be a ufo above the property and the home may be targeted by them to be abducted. it is not certian. suggest you investigate the cow life for strange vomiting or inhalation leading to ufo impregnation. having travelled by the home the short range vision has been clearer each time. if theology is the case it may be possible that the person who died has not rested or haunting phenomena has already begun. if the home is an interest to crime it may be religion being used for their intended purpose.if uf o life is near the home it may be possible the home is under investigation in this remote area for reasons not known at this time. ufo's have a tendency to camaflouge in the earth clouds with shields of metal in the exterior construction of their ship that in seconds changing metal to a metal color like a cloud or the nights background will be difficult to detect.

suggest you bolo for unsual energy reading on the farm and have nasa search for the same energy.

Posted 2009-06-09

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