NUFORC UFO Sighting 69480

Occurred: 1989-04-26 00:00 Local
Reported: 2009-03-31 20:49 Pacific

Location: Krasdnoyarsk (Russia), , Russia


Let's Liquidate the Myth of the UFO!

The last issues of the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda published a series of five articles under the loud headline "KGB Unveils UFO Secrets". These publications were based on materials from the so-called "blue file" that the KGB once compiled concerning the activity of Russian ufologists. However, the newspaper unveiled no secrets at all, the publications mentioned just several instances when UFOs were registered over Soviet military objects. What do these KGB documents testify to? Do extraterrestrials actually exist? Or, is it possible that the truth is more prosaic? A researcher from the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk Pavel Poluyan tells the story.

Liquidation of UFO I saw a UFO for the first time on April 26, 1989: there was a large luminous ball flying over the Kama River. In fact, it was a thin air stratum around the ball that was glowing while some part of the ionized gas was blown away by an onrushing flow, and a short flickering track remained behind the apparatus. The case was later refered to as a "UFO over Perm" and was described in the press many times as lots of witnesses saw the phenomenon.

It took me several years to outline a practical scheme for explaining the phenomenon that I saw. As it turned out, everything could be explained without any fantastic hypotheses, just simple rare aerodynamic effects. The effects are perfectly known more or less now; at least nobody recalls antigravitation when they see the flight of a disk-shaped mini-plane designed by the Saratov EKIP concern. How does it fly without wings and propellers? When my article on the principles of UFO flights was published in Komsomolskaya Pravda on November 1, 1995, the editorial staff illustrated the text with the picture of the "UFO" produced in Saratov, the mini-plane I've already mentioned.

Later, Afontovo TV, in the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk, produced a video where the story that I narrated was supplied with material filmed in the laboratory of superlight aircrafts in the Siberian Aerospace Academy and in the laboratory for experimenting with strong magnetic fields in the Krasnoyarsk Physics Institute. In 2001, I brought my materials to the editorial office of the popular Russian newspaper Top Secret, but instead of getting my material publicized, I was met by a strange man. Some man found me in Krasnoyarsk and asked different questions in exchange for generous financing. He wanted to know whether I knew what material the UFO bodies are made of, if it can land on water; what is more, the man wanted to find out with what scientists I cooperated when I wrote my materials. After that I understood perfectly well that my surmises concerning secret aircraft designed in the USA (and later in the Soviet Union as well) corresponded to reality, and that I must expound my version in detail. This is how my book "Liquidation of UFO" appeared; now it is available at many Internet websites.

You may ask why the KGB left me alone and allowed me to publish my works. The problem is that I already guessed and publicized the scheme of the first UFO, those that the USA tested at the end of the 1940s and the beginning of the 1950s. Modern models are more complicated, as I learned from those who were somehow connected with design and production of such aircrafts.

The recent publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda has come in handy. My opinion is that it's high time for the KGB to "unveil the UFO secret" so that people could learn the truth from Russia, as it obviously cannot be obtained from American mystifiers.

Some romantic readers may think that what I'm going to say is just one of the many versions. However, what you are going to read right now is the truth. But first of all we must separate real "flying objects" from other unidentified phenomena, as such cases are observed as well.

A group of ionospheric UFOs can be singled out from the unidentified phenomena: these are many-colored lights zigzagging the sky at an unbelievably high speed. These are not objects in fact, but ionospheric spots of reflected light that appear as a result of gas glowing in the spot where two radar rays with specific characteristics cross. Synchronized movement of the rays produces the spots of reflected light that cross the sky at any speed and along any trajectory. Such experiments on modification of the ionospheric environment draw the attention of the public.

Another group of UFO phenomena is made up by those which psychologist Cal Jung has described. The fact is that a visual picture produced by the brain is exactly a picture. In other words, it is not transported from the retina into our consciousness, but appears as a result of processing of the information that the brain receives. Sometimes some alien images can intrude into this picture, just exactly the way when some uninvited banner comes up on your computer monitor when you surf the Internet. For example, when a child sees a dwarf going out of a wardrobe, he actually SEES the dwarf, as his brain cannot yet protect the visual picture from other signals.

The same can be observed with adults: the brain's work is disturbed under the influence of high-frequency radiation, and strange objects invade the visual picture. It is no wonder that visions of this kind occur when people see "flying objects". Unlike pilots who are in a shielded cockpit, accidental witnesses are not protected from microwave radiation that is emitted from these aircrafts.

And now let's speak about real "UFOs". I hope that readers will be able to compare the following kinds of apparatuses with those that are described in the "blue file". Counterintelligence agents collected only actual facts and knew perfectly well what kind of objects were flying over our military objects.

We all remember the old newsreel in aviation history where some strange apparatus, something like a huge umbrella with an engine and a pilot, was demonstrated together with antiquated biplanes and gliders. The "umbrella" twitched up and down; when it went down, the apparatus took off and when the umbrella moved up, the aircraft went back to the ground. The umbrella plane was tested by inventor Chance Vought in America in 1911. This very flying device was the ancestor of "flying saucers". The first flying saucers used the same scheme but on a higher technological level. The very form of the first flying saucers is flat from below, prominent and streamline on the top; which means that it was very important for these objects to be oriented with its flat surface down and with a higher head resistance. This fact alone is enough to understand that such discs rest upon the air.

As Zhukovsky, the founder of Russian aircraft construction, once said, there is someplce to rest on everywhere in the air. The umbrella plane from the old newsreel is certainly very funny, but do you think that practical Americans spent money on construction of the craft just for fun? Certainly not.

The principle of flight based on formation of compression under a vibrating surface is not worse than that used in traditional planes, where the lift (the difference of pressures) arises at the expense of asymmetrical streamline of a wing's form in the oncoming air. In 1911, there were no technologies to use the principle of flight it's maximum.

During WWII German aviation engineers employed this principle. But they managed to create only models of one meter long; however, those "UFOs" scared American and English pilots very much when glowing balls appeared right before their bombers.

At the end of the 1940s, the first flying saucers resembling telephone dynamic speakers appeared: their huge membranes vibrated at a supersonic speed, and a streamline top part consisting of two spherical segments guaranteed the difference of the drag from above and below. A thin metal membrane was set to vibrate with a system of impulse electromagnets. (Later Russian engineers employed this technology in electropulse de-icers, on the wings of Il-86 planes for example. I can name the siberian impulse electromagnetic seismic sources too.) What is the essence of the aerodynamic effect? As long as a flying saucer doesn't push out anything like rockets do, there will be no lift. This something can be a ring whirl-vortex of air, as it doesn't draw the disc back. The disc must rest on the vortex just for a couple of microseconds because another vortex is formed within this period. Air rejection gives rise to reactive force, and the disc takes off, and a vortex that appears under the disc prevents the disc from dropping down until another vortex is formed. The time between these vortexes is insignificant. The vortexes draw in much air as they revolve, consequently, a saucer can give it a bigger impulse within the period when a vortex is being formed, and the disc then moves higher.

However, the first flying saucers had many defects. First of all, the push surface couldn't resist and broke, causing catastrophies. It was this "elastic foil" that US Air Force Captain Jesse Marcell found on a farmer's field; this case gave rise to the sensation about the Roswell incident in July 1947. Secondly, the disc was unsteady and it fell sideways as it slipped off the vortexes. Thirdly, flying saucers with impulse electromagnets were heavy, with high power inputs and couldn't cover long distances (as one source told me, the American military had to deliver their flying saucers to the Soviet shores on submarines). Certainly, this kind of aircraft was improved, but another generation of apparatuses appeared by that time; their airframes were not shaken with electromagnetic fields. It was made of piezoceramics and vibration appeared as a result of the piezoelectric effect. Apparatuses of this generation were no longer in a disc shape, they were balls, ellipses and other volumetric figures surrounded with a halo of ionized gas.

Finally, the third generation of flying discs consists of dark objects in which only small zones, vortex activators, are glowing. The light goes downwards when the disc takes off, to the side when it is to move sideways or the light shines in the form of a pointed bracket when manuevering. The zone of vortex activation appears in any part of the airframe covered with cells and contacts. Uneven cells are joined together (this is the base), and voltage is sent to the other cells through a regulating switchboard. The airframe is monolithic and doesn't vibrate, but the adjoining air is artificially ionized, and current impulses that slip by at a megahertz frequency make it expand. The principle of thermal sources of sound is known rather well, but it wasn't effectively used in other scientific fields.

Now I would like to mention "the mysterious material ray" that flying saucers emit. Ufologists say that with the help of this ray extraterrestrials take people on board their aircraft. The situation is more simple in fact. Molecules are centrifuged and separated in the vortex whirl zone, moisture is frozen out of the air in the cooled area and as a result small crystals form. The light emitted by the activation zone is shining on the crystals. Thus, a UFO 50 meters high described in the article in Komsomolskaya Pravda of February 11 is not an object itself, but the area consisting of vortexes that is illuminated. The glowing zone stops where the lowest vortex loses energy as it expands and ceases to freeze moisture crystals out of the air.

When the Soviet borders grew weaker as a result of perestroika, American spy UFOs flooded the sky over Russia. Unfortunately, they were not only collecting information. In December 1989, policemen in the Russian city of Krasnoyarsk saw that several dark flying discs were trying to experiment on electric mains going to the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant. However, we should also feel for Americans as they have been fooled with extraterrestrial fairy tales all this time, and the misinformation was spread intentionally. I tried to demonstrate how it is done using the examples from the book "UFO FBI CONNECTION. The Secret History of the Government`s Cover-Up" by Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D. however, when a part of my book was published in English, the author emailed to me to express his disagreement.

So, the childish fantasy about extraterrestrial beings is currently being turned into a real spy novel. I would like to add that the disclosures I've made were not inspired and financed by the FSB; they are the result of my private, years-long research. I used my personal finances to conduct the research.

It is certainly very sad to give up the myth of extraterrestrials. But it's time to grow up and say good-bye to fairy tales. I am not saying so as a confirmed skeptic rationalist, simply as a grown up.

Be sure, dear readers, there are more interesting things in the world than extraterrestrial beings. The immortality of the soul and its post mortem fate for example. And those who have been spreading lies in the information sphere and fooling humanity for 60 years already must remember this.

Posted 2009-04-14

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