NUFORC UFO Sighting 69341

Occurred: 2009-03-21 22:45 Local
Reported: 2009-03-23 02:47 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Manchester (UK/England), , United Kingdom

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

2 UFO's spotted in Manchester, England. Spherical in shape and orange in colour. Exact location provided including latitude/longitude.

I was driving to work and had just joined the Motorway (highway). I noticed 2 objects in the sky to my right which were clearly NOT a natural phenomenon. They looked so strange that I pulled over straight away to have a better look.

The objects were spherical in shape and glowing a deep orange colour. They were both in close proximity to each other but one looked to be higher than the other one as though they were flying in formation. They weren't too high up - defiantly a lot lower than aeroplanes fly. They looked to be travelling at helicopter speed, not as fast as planes usually fly.

The objects passed over the top of my position. As they came into view on my left side, they instantly sped up and quickly went out of sight.

I had tried to get my mobile phone out to record the objects but by the time I thought about doing it the objects had sped up so I wouldn't have caught them in time.

Due to the time it was a dark sky but quite clear. There weren't many clouds in the sky though the objects would still have been visible in thick cloud as they were well below cloud level.

If you look on Google Earth, the exact location I was parked watching this was: M60 motorway, Manchester 53°32'25.23"N 2°12'57.70"W The objects were travelling from the direction of "Middleton" - a nearby town.

They were travelling in a South Westerly direction towards "Prestwitch." I was travelling northwards hence the object passing from my right to my left.

I am open to science and had always been willing to accept there may be UFO's visiting us but had never believed most of the reports you read about. I always thought the people reporting would probably be trying to earn money from a story rather than be truthful of the situation.

I have no background in UFOlogy and I do not do this as a hobby. I don't study internet reports and it generally doesn't interest me, I just wanted to share my experience.

For those of you who are interested, I hope this has helped your research.

Posted 2009-04-14

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