NUFORC UFO Sighting 69294
Occurred: 2001-09-20 23:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2009-03-19 23:29 Pacific
Duration: 1 second
No of observers: 1
Location: Renton, WA, USA
Shape: Flash
Large White Flash above Renton.
After reading some of these reports, I decided to discuss my own sighting. Unfortunately I can’t remember the date, but I believe it was in 2001.
I was driving on Maple Valley Highway near Jones Rd going west, at about 10:30 or 11:0p.m. The sky was clear, and stars were visible.
I saw something in my peripheral in the upper right hand corner of the windshield. It was some sort of light that moved strangely in the sky. I glanced up and the moment that I did, I saw a bright egg shaped light that flashed and grew smaller within a fraction of a second. It was like when you turn off an old TV and the light goes to the center of the screen, or a Sci-Fi movie where a spaceship zooms away at light speed.
I distinctly got the impression that it had moved away at an incredible speed. This would have been over Renton or 405 depending on the distance. It happened so fast that I wouldn’t be able to judge its exact location or distance, but I believe it was at least a hundred feet up.
The light was such a bright white that it left an imprint in my vision like when you stare at a light source for too long and you see a pink or green blob when you turn away. I would have dismissed this whole event, had it not been for the fact that I could still see that imprint.
I had a strong impulse to pull over and look in the sky in the direction it had gone, but there wasn’t a convenient place, as that stretch of road has no shoulder.
Source of report indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2009-04-14
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