NUFORC Sighting 68949

Occurred: 1970-08-15 00:30 Local
Reported: 2009-02-25 19:55 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Ocean City, NJ, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

1970 sighting of two disks flying with U.S. military formation at New Jersey shore.

I'm a 60 year old engineer who has had Nuclear Regulatory Commission clearances to work on, and operate, nuclear reactors in the U.S.

In August of 1970 my friend Tom & I spent a few weeks vacationing at the New Jersey shore. Days surfing and nights at a camp ground 12 miles due West of Ocean City, N.J.

Slightly after midnight, with a very clear sky, we sat outside our tent looking at the stars.

A line of large, prop-driven, military cargo planes were passing directly overhead, going North. A yard stick held at arms length would have been the length of their wings tip to tip. They flew so low their engine's noise prevented any conversation. With the Vietnam war at its height, these flights were common along the coast.

We heard the 1st plane coming minutes before it was directly overhead and the noise was intense until it moved on. The 2nd plane, which appeared to be a mile behind the 1st was no different. As it passed over,and onward, there was a flying disc shaped craft directly behind it by about 1/2 mile.

The disc was as wide as the plane's wings, tip to tip. It didn't wobble, made no sound, and flew in the formation at what appeared to be the same speed as the cargo planes. It had a few solid red lights on each edge as if marking the four points of a compass.

As it glided off, following the 2nd plane, we saw that its middle was as thick as the cargo plane and tapered toward the edges. No leading edge could be seen nor could we see any markings or windows.

In disbelief we were questioning each other as to what we were seeing when our speech was soon overwhelmed by the noise of the 3rd cargo plane now passing overhead.

Adding to our shock was the sight of another identical disc shaped craft tailing 1/2 mile behind it. It was so silent we could here the crickets chirping as it went directly over our heads.

No more disc were seen as the remaining planes, perhaps six in all, continued out of site.

I haven't seen any U.F.O.'s since nor has Tom.

Posted 2009-03-19

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