NUFORC Sighting 6838

Occurred: 1999-04-23 23:25 Local
Reported: 1999-04-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Seattle (North), WA, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

I was laying in my bed with the ability to look out the window while watching television. I live on the 4th floor in an apartment bldg. The window faces west. I saw a green ball of light traveling in a northwest direction. It was not falling from the sky, but treversing very fast accross the sky. The object was unviewable after about 15 seconds. The object never chaned direction, and had a very destinct tail light of an bright orange color.

The size of the object was about 4 to 5 times the size of a star. I have lived in seattle for over 9 years. I personally have not seen any green objects such as this until this past year. This is the third time I have seen the green light. I might also say that I was working graveyard shifts the past two times, and was traveling on I-5 heading south. The object had a trail, it did not leave a trail.

Posted 1999-05-24

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