NUFORC Sighting 66999

Occurred: 1979-07-13 22:00 Local
Reported: 2008-11-19 09:44 Pacific
Duration: 40 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Santa Clarita, CA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Up close over backyard pool

Husband and wife state that an UFO hovered over their backyard.

The location of the sighting was Santa Clarita Valley, California, United States on July 13, 1979 According to the husband it was 10.00 p.m. in the evening when he initially saw the object. According to their testimony the object was 75-100 feet in diameter and directly overhead at a height of 50-75 feet. The object was disk shaped and its colouring was silver/white metallic. The length of the sighting was approximately 45 seconds.

He writes, "It was one warm summer Friday around 10:00 p.m. in the evening in California's Santa Clarita Valley. I was brushing the swimming pool with a long pole and attached brush so that the kids could swim the following day. The pole requires you reach up to push down. I was standing on a high platform next to and overlooking the pool and about 4 feet over the rest of the pool area. As I reached to the upper end of pole, I saw a craft approaching the house from about 1-2 blocks away and from the West and heading South East." "I knew right away that it was not a helicopter or plane. It seemed flatter and wider and with lights in a circumference of the main leading edege area. I ran towards the house, some 60 feet, and called my family to see it. Only my wife came out. By that time it was stationary directly over our house and pool. It was approximately 75-100 feet above us. We stood along side of the pool deck. It made no sound whatsoever, and it was at a complete stop over us for about 40 seconds. The only motion was a slight wobble and when it moved and tilted downwards at an angle. I was then able to determine that light was emanating from it's skin and not pool lights reflection. I took the downward tilting as some form of acknowledgment. It remained tilted downwards at a 30-40 degree angle for about 10 seconds. During the entire time, we were frozen in disbelief. It is a strange sensation knowing that what you are seeing is not supposed (to exist) and very foreign. It was (like) seeing a Greyhound Bus floating over your house!" Witness claims that it had a small portholes and lights around the upper dome section, He describes the object as solid, metallic and shiny. It had a dome on the upper section of the craft and seemed as if created from a single mold with no visible seams. The lower underneath section of the object was concave towards the center and had two rectangular shapes along side each other and the length of the concave under-section. The rectangular shapes were about 7-10 feet in width and ran along the craft's concave underside center.

"I also noticed 2 ski like devices on the front and on each side of the front underside. What caught my attention was that the devices were not in the center or the "center of gravity" for the craft's diameter and design but very forward. The skis were S shaped with the top of the S facing forward but a design I could not replicate even though I scored very high on isometric drawings and IQ tests that included realting drawing sequences.

Upon the craft leaning in a downward motion we could see a window or cockpit like glass that was situated in the underside, it was on the front lower edge of the round craft. The rectangular window was approximately 4 feet in height and possibly 8-10 feet in length. There was a glow of soft orange and blue lights from the inside but we could not see anyone or any controls".

It remained at a forward and downward angle for about 10 seconds. We both had the sensation of being watched. As it was angled, I noticed that light was emanating from the upper section that was not facing the swimming pool lights. Thus, it seemed to generate light through skin of the craft as the lights that first attracted me faced forward and was much lower than the upper section of the craft.

"My wife and I did not say anything to each other during the experience but she kept saying "oh my God" over and over again. The craft then left slowly at 30-40 MPH. I jumped on a wall around our property to continue seeing for at least 7-miles. I instructed my wife not to discuss it, to draw what she saw and then we would compare drawings. They matched, although mine had more detail and accuracy".

I have a background that includes working with Group Propulsion Systems, studied aeronautical engineering followed by busines and later as an executive with several major computer companies. "What we saw was close, real, solid, and a beautiful designed craft. I know from my aeronautical engineering background that mankind has no such technology", he concludes.

Posted 2009-01-10

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