NUFORC UFO Sighting 66693
Occurred: 2008-10-08 03:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2008-11-03 19:23 Pacific
Duration: 1 min to 1 min 30 sec
No of observers: 2
Location: Oregon (mid-state; on Interstate-5), OR, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Left a trail
bright light moving north next to I-5 mid Oregon (intermitent Flashing)
My business partner and I were driving south on I-5. I had been driving for about 6 hours and wasn’t paying attention to what city I was near, but I do know I was in mid Oregon.
Out of the top left of my windshield I saw a bright light and thought a general aviation plane was flying really low with an extremely bright light brighter than I had ever seen on a plane.
I watched it for 10 seconds and realized that the light would appear but be still, then move at a fast speed then stop, the light would then go out and the sequence would repeat. That’s how it traveled, it was on a straight plain going north along I-5. It appeared to be 1200 feet in the air.
After the 10 seconds previously specified, I told my passenger to look at what I was looking at and he immediately looked to his left and saw it. I kept on driving and looked at the light as frequently as possible. My passenger never stopped looking until it disappeared on the horizon.
The light was so bright and so pure it was incredible, it could be described as a white light and it didn’t illuminate anything.
Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD
Posted 2009-01-10
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