NUFORC UFO Sighting 66633
Occurred: 2008-11-01 21:00 LocalReported: 2008-11-01 20:27 Pacific
Duration: 2 hours
No of observers: 4
Location: Louisville, KY, USA
Shape: Light
Star like object appeared to move in circular paths
At approximately 9:00PM I noticed a star approximately 10 degrees south of vertical move in an erratic circular path about 2 degrees from its original position and return to its original position. As it moved, the object had a sort of twinkling effect. I observed this object over the course of 2 hours. It would remain stationary for several minutes then it would move in the erratic circular pattern. The objects motion over time was in a westerly direction but its progress was more rapid than the other stars. I phoned a friend who verified what I was seeing. He lives about 12 miles west of me and saw the object in the same relative position in the sky as me so I would say the object was at a high altitude. My friend tried to look through his telescope at the object but could only resolve the object as a point source of light. The object has repeated these maneuvers dozens of times and at the time I am submitting this report it is continuing to do so.
Posted 2009-01-10
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