NUFORC UFO Sighting 66602

Occurred: 2008-10-31 16:30 Local
Reported: 2008-10-31 15:41 Pacific
Duration: cum. 1 min
No of observers: 1

Location: Cambridge, MA, USA

Shape: Orb

Maybe nothing, maybe something?

I was driving west, home from work, in slow traffic in Cambridge MA and while looking at two jets and their contrails at about 30,000' I saw what appeared to be a silver orb. It appeared and disappeared within 3-5 seconds. I categorized it as probably another jet with the sun reflecting off it's fusilage as it banked, although there was no contrail.

Several miles later I saw another one (or the same one again) also for just a few seconds. I still didn't think much of it, until minutes later when I saw three helicopters: two flying east about 1000 feet apart at 5,000' 1 yellow 2 seater, the other navy blue/white ~6 seater, and the third flying north -I couldn't see the colors too well through the trees, but it was a dark color and small. About 15 minutes after that, I watched a military jet (F16?) flying very slowly at around 12,000' - 15,000' southwest to northeast. I wanted to report this in case someone else saw more than I did.

Thanks for running this site despite the immature youth making it difficult! Children, stop screwing around this is serious business!

Posted 2009-01-10

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