NUFORC UFO Sighting 66231
Occurred: 1977-06-01 02:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2008-10-14 21:31 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Plantation, FL, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo
Two sightings in one night and within 5 minutes of each other.
I’m guessing at the date, even the exact year, since this happened so long ago but it was either 1976 or 77, in the summer and the time was around 2AM.
My wife and I had been visiting friends in Sunrise and were heading south on University Drive toward our apartment on 70th Ave, just south of NW 5th St. in Plantation, Fl.
About a mile or so after we turned south onto University Drive from Oakland Park Blvd, I noticed a single red light off to the east. I didn’t think anything of it as I thought that there was a radio tower in that direction. We continued south on University and after we left the light at Sunrise Drive I noticed that the red light was still off to the east. I remember thinking, “That’s weird, that light should be behind us by now.” As we dove further south, maybe around Cleary Blvd, both my wife and I noticed that the light was moving SW and furthermore it looked like it was on an intersect path with University Drive. As we approached the traffic light at NW 5th St. and University Drive we both commented that the “light” was coming directly in our direction and was very close, within a few hundred yards. I stopped the car at the traffic light and we both looked out our windows and watched this ‘thing’ fly directly over us at a very slow speed...maybe 25 MPH, if that fast. The craft was also at a very low altitude, maybe 500-750 feet. The strange thing was that neither of us heard any engine sound at all. Not a prop engine, jet engine or chopper engine was to be heard. There was no sound at all that either of us could make out.
After sitting there for what seemed several minutes, probably in shock, I made the turn east onto NW 5th St. heading toward 70th Ave where I had to go south one block to the entrance to our apartment building. As I made the turn I asked my wife something to the effect of “You saw that right?” Yes was the answer and started to talk about what we had just seen. Although neither of us could clearly make out a distinct shape, we knew that we had seen “something” and whatever it was it was strange to say the least. This discussion continued for another minute or so when we both went quiet. There, dead ahead of us, out in the eastern sky, was another red light. This was probably around the 73rd Ave block of NW 5th St., just west of the new city hall. As we approached the intersection of NW 70 Ave this red light suddenly erupted into a display of different colored lights. There were red, green and yellow lights flashing on and off in no distinct pattern for maybe 10 seconds and, again it returned to just the single red light. I pulled over onto a swale area where there was a mailbox on the right side of the road. I told my wife to get out of the car as I wanted us both to make sure that we were seeing the same thing. The red light seemed to be stationary for a minute or two as we stood there watching. Again I asked my wife if she had just seen the light display that I had seen. She answered yes and then we both observed that the light seemed to be moving toward our position. We stood there on the side of the road watching as this craft passed almost directly overhead. It was, like the first craft, about 500-700 feet altitude. The night was still, not a car in sight and I had cut the engine of the car. This time we both could make out a distinct, but faint, low toned hum as the ‘thing’ passed over. We both could also make out, against the night sky, that the red light was on the bottom of the craft and that it was circular in shape, almost a perfect circle it seemed. The craft again was moving very slowly, 20 M! PH or so , and heading south by southwest. When we noticed this we both said, almost simultaneously, that it looked like it was heading to meet up with the first craft that we had seen just a few minutes earlier at University and NW 5th St. We watched as long as we could see the light, got into the car and drove the block south on 70th Ave to our apartment. I immediately went to the kitchen phone and called the Plantation police department to ask if anyone had reported a unidentified craft at either of the intersections where we had witnessed these things. The officer kind of laughed and said no. I then called the Ft. Lauderdale airport and asked if they had anything on radar out in our area. Again the answer was no.
Neither my wife or I ever made an official report of any kind during our time together. We separated in 1989 and divorced in 1992 and lost contact so I don’t know if she has ever reported it. I have only told a handful of people about this until now and am only reporting it now because my current wife found this web page. After reading a few of the hundreds of reports I felt compelled to add my own story.
Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2008-10-31
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