NUFORC UFO Sighting 65504
Occurred: 2008-08-21 15:26 LocalReported: 2008-08-31 23:56 Pacific
Duration: 1 min ?
No of observers: 4
Location: Santa Caterina di Pittinuri (Italy), , Italy
Shape: Oval
Very fast object captured by camera while taking panoramic images
We were on holiday in Sardinia at a small agriturismo establishment called "Sa Spiga" approximatelly 4 kilomenters north of St. Caterina di Pittinuri on the road to Cuglieri.
We had lunch and were admiring the view and taking photographs of the sea view (due west).
On going through the images once back in out holiday let we discovered the anomally on one of the photographs. We did not hear any unusual sounds or actually saw the object captured in the image, it looks as though it was moving very fast though.
A further image taken within a minute of the first image does not show any signs of the object. mages have been posted.
Time and date is accurate to the minute.
No photo sent, we believe. PD
Posted 2008-10-31
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