NUFORC UFO Sighting 65026

Occurred: 2008-08-03 22:00 Local
Reported: 2008-08-05 07:37 Pacific
Duration: Approx 45 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Baltimore, MD, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object

Large light traveling east to west, no sound, then flashed and instantly disappeared

Unidentified object/light in sky On Sunday night August 3 2008 between 10-10:30pm EST over a section of Baltimore City, Maryland I witnessed an extremely unusual event. We often see and hear helicopters as we are in an urban area and just a few blocks from a major shock trauma center so there is much activity. This night however as I sat on my deck I noticed to my left in the eastern sky what appeared to be a low helicopter heading west, the bright light on it however was larger than normal and was of a light green color which I’ve never seen in the three years of living here. As it got closer to being overhead it appeared to be oval shaped and I realized there was absolutely NO NOISE, no engine sound, and no propeller sound. All at once the light seemed to flash one time and go dark, completely dark, nothing, not a sound. I mean it just went out as if someone had turned off a switch. It was incredible. And in the sky where the light had just been extinguished, there was nothing but clear sky.

Can anybody give me any explanation for this?

Thank you.

Posted 2008-08-12

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