NUFORC UFO Sighting 64888

Occurred: 1982-06-20 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2008-07-31 15:50 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Fort Stockton, TX, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects

A black light dome, with some kind of movement within.

It was in the early 80's, in June , I think. I had just bought a truck with a cab over camper. I wanted to try it out and go camping down in Big Bend National Park, Texas. I picked up a few friends and we left out of Odessa Texas about 8 P.M. It had been 100 plus degrees all week is why we left in the evening, as it was cooler. As we got closer to Ft. Stockton, Texas, we could see big thunder storms building up to the south. We stopped in Ft. Stockton for a few hours,to visit friends and let it clear up some. We left out of Ft. Stockton about 11 P.M. We took US385 to Marathon. There is a road side park about 30 miles out of Ft. Stockton, we had just gone past there. It was 12 midnight and raining off and on, and thats when we saw it, off in a canyon, about a mile away facing west. It was a huge dome, the color of a black light, and you could see movement in it. This dome was the size of a football field, and it was making a crackling sound, like electricity I was out of the truck and standing by the fence when I realized that you could only see it when the moon was out from behind the clouds. It was cloudy and misting rain, but I wanted to go see what it was, but everyone else was freaking: they said they were leaving without me ,even though it was my truck. So we left, went down to the Bend. Two days later came back the same way and searched and found nothing. I really wish I had climbed that fence and checked it out. This was quite a few years ago, and I think most of the people that witnessed it with me have passed on. I have had a few encounters in my life, that are odd. I did have stage 4 cancer but at the present I am cancer free, and my wife , that listens to the Rense Show says I should share my encounters with the World.


Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. PD

Posted 2008-08-12

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