NUFORC UFO Sighting 64847
Occurred: 1971-07-30 18:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2008-07-29 08:46 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1
Location: Bolivar, MO, USA
Shape: Cigar
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Silent fluorescent orange cigar-shaped UFO with neon pink glow around the edges disappeared in an instant
We moved to 123 S. Oakland in Bolivar, MO in the summer of 1971. It was probably July or August of that year when my incident occurred. I was nine years old, playing outside with my five-year old nephew. We were pretending the sidewalk in front of the house was our net while we were playing badminton. The yellow box in the diagram represents our house and the "X" is where I was standing when I saw something over the Coca-Cola plant across the street. It was cigar-shaped and appeared out of the clouds in bright fluorescent orange with a neon pink glow around the edges--it was as long as the block (orange arrow in diagram). I ran inside to get a grown-up to come look at it, but by the time we came back outside it had already disappeared. Since it was just before dusk they told me it was probably the sun playing tricks on me. However it left quite an impression on me--it wasn’t a blimp and it definitely wasn’t the sun shining off of anything. With all of the UFOs in the news lately I decided maybe I should tell my story as well in case it were to collaborate anyone else’s claim if they happened to see something similar around that time.
My brother still lives at this location but I would prefer that we remain anonymous (people still think I’m crazy if I mention seeing a UFO). I’m not good at guessing measurements so I am sending an aerial view as well to give you an idea of the length.
Witness indicates that date of incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2008-08-12
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