NUFORC UFO Sighting 63940
Occurred: 2008-06-14 00:00 LocalReported: 2008-06-16 21:41 Pacific
Duration: 2-3 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Van Nuys, CA, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Left a trail
Their were 4 straight lines of lights with a trail of yellow tail traveling across the sky at a very fast speed and disappeared.
On Saturday 14, 2008 I was driving north on Hazeltine Blvd. in Van Nuys, CA. I looked up looking north west and saw what I thought was a shooting star but it was so large and their were four straight lines that were white lights trailed by a comet like tail or burn off.
They were in line with each other and were traveling at a very fast speed. They did not disappear like a shooting star would have they took off from south to north half way across the sky going at a downward direction and then disappeared.
I had 1 person in the car with me and he only saw the very end of it. But also said he had never seen anything like that before.
Posted 2008-07-05
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