NUFORC UFO Sighting 63841

Occurred: 1997-10-11 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2008-06-10 15:46 Pacific
Duration: 5 min

Location: Hafnarfjordur (Iceland), , Iceland

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

playing with a jet

i was standing at my balconi and i got a good view, on my right side is reykjavik bay area and on my left is keflavik, so i saw a jet, probably a fighter because us army had a base at keflavik, then i see two objects that looks like small sphere but they are a litle bit lit, and the started flying around the jet fighter like they were checking it out or just playing with it, (and btw those objects moved like no other aircraft can move, it was like they were 2 flies looking at the light, anyway suddenly the took of at an amazing speed heading to reykjavik area, i´m sorry i don´t have a spelling program, i just wanted to tell somebody about this because it has been stuck in my head since that night

Posted 2008-06-12

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