NUFORC Sighting 6380

Occurred: 1999-04-21 09:15 Local
Reported: 1999-04-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 Seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Vantage (Between Kittas and Vantage), WA, USA

Shape: Other

In response to newscast asking witnesses to meteor event report in.

Around 9:15 was driving East on vantage Highway. Noticed the shooting star way above and slowly watched it come down. As it came closer and closer it didn't seem to go out. In fact it started to brighten as it came closer. After it became bright white it lit up into a fireball with what from my location looked like a 20 to 40 foot tail fo fire behind it. It traveled down a couple of seconds on fire, then flashed once and blew outward. Looked like one of those firework displays, except there was not much uniform to the bright white shatter pattern that followed. Surely there are pieces of this meteor of the ground, it was to close when it blew up not to have left behind fragments.

Posted 1999-04-26

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