NUFORC UFO Sighting 63793
Occurred: 1991-09-01 01:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2008-06-09 21:39 Pacific
Duration: 10 Minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Abilene, TX, USA
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Swaying round light at rooftop height between 2 houses and right above--a huge triangular black object--no sound.
In my vehicle was myself and my 3 sons--all under 14 years of age at the time. I was driving along and I looked to the side because this light caught my eye--I stopped. This light didn’t have a beam and it was swaying back and forth between two houses right at rooftop height. I looked up above to see where the light was coming from and it was a huge triangular shaped object in the sky. This round light started to come towards my car--everything around us seemed gray and quiet and no sound--it felt like time standing still.. I have always heard of missing time and I glanced at the time on the car. I went out right at that time and when I came to I looked at the clock and I was missing one hour. I asked my kids if I had fallen asleep and they said no--they said we hadn’t been there very long. I asked them if they had seen the light and they said no. I didn’t realize there was a place to vent like this and I’m glad I can finally say something.
Posted 2008-06-12
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