NUFORC UFO Sighting 6355
Occurred: 1998-06-20 07:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-04-18 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 00:20
No of observers: 2
Location: Morris, MN, USA
Shape: Egg
UFO in morning sky...jets following
I was going to work that morning. I live in the country and I was going to drive into town to get to my work place. I was with a co-worker who lived on the way to town (we were car pooling). The sky was clear and it was just a quiet morning. Then my co-worker pointed into the sky and said, "Look at that! What is that thing?" I am not an aircraft expert, but that thing didn't look like any aircraft I've ever seen. It was in a sort of oval shape, more like an egg. It was a dark gray color. There weren't any lights or anything like that. The object made no noise. It was about 1000 feet in the air and it was moving very fast across the sky. Then there was a jet aircraft chasing after it about three seconds after the craft passed. The jet made jet noises, unlike the craft. The craft didn't have any jet engines, but it was going so fast that it would almost have to. Both me and my co-worker didn't know what the craft was. We still don't to this day and we classify it as a UFO because that's what it is to us. I'm not going to give out my personal information because I don't know what people (people with the jet aircraft) will do to me if they see this story.
Posted 1999-04-26
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