NUFORC UFO Sighting 62719

Occurred: 2008-04-03 16:22 Local
Reported: 2008-04-29 21:59 Pacific
Duration: 20 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Wichita Falls, TX, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

UFO'S Seen in Wichita Falls, Texas/Sheppard AFB area April 3, 2008

On Tuesday, April 3, 2008, around 8:20 p.m. I had just arrived home from attending an event. For some reason I decided to pet my dogs, which were barking inside the gates of the backyard. As I was petting them I noticed a light or large star in the Eastern Sky.. As I continued to observe the white light, it moved from side to side vertically and horizontally, very rapidly , and then it turned into two flying vehicles. At first, all I could see was the "V" shape on the front where lights were outlining the front of the vehicles, which was flying downward at a 45 degree angle. My first thought was that they were some kind of new air force jets, since we have Sheppard Air Force Base here in Wichita Falls. As soon as I entertained that thought, the second of the two vehicles stopped and turned to a horizontal position and then turned its lights on! It was just like the ones I had seen on television with the narrow horizontal long wise lights around the outside, and a large light shining out of the vehicle on the bottom..There were maybe 35-40 lights around the outside of the ship. I could see that the shape was oval and could see the beam of the light, as it shone downward. There were also windows at the top of the dome, and I could see white light shining out, from the inside. It seemed that althought the light was on the bottom of the ship there was something around the light, maybe the device or air system which was keeping the system airprone. It also seemed like there were some kind of purple or blue lights on the side of the vehicle as it turned on the bottom light. The side lights and windows appeared first and then the bottom light. Then, after about 5 or 6 seconds the second vehicle returned to a 45 degree angle behind the first vehicle. They continued flying in a downward pattern and disappeared behind some trees, so I am assuming the vehicle has some invisibility mechanism. I did not see anyone in the vehicle through the windows but for some reason I think the cabin par! t of it was in the front where I first saw the V shaped light pattern. When it returned to an angled pattern it turned its lights off, except for the V shape strand around the front. It was flying, maybe 25 or 30 feet behind the first vehicle. This all took place within a 20-30 second period and is the first time I have seen anything like this. I was by myside with my two dogs, and surprisingly they werent barking during this period, perhaps they could sense the light or see it as well. When I went inside, I told my husband, but he didnt go outside to look. This happened so quickly Im sure I dont remember everything but I know it wasnt a glare, since there wasnt sunlight and it was not an airplane, not ones that we normally see..

Posted 2008-06-12

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