NUFORC UFO Sighting 62615

Occurred: 2008-04-17 17:00 Local
Reported: 2008-04-18 10:00 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Shape: Diamond

Greyish Kite looking object over Salt Lake

I saw what look like a greyish black kite flying when I pulled out of my work parking lot. As I got past some building I thought that's not a kite. It was far away from me more over the city. When it got closer to the mountains it was almost camoflouged because of the color it was. It was big like a square turned side way to make a diamond shape with 3 crafts smaller behind it. They were kind a bunched up. Anyway it disappeared. When I got on the freeway mabey 15 minutes later, I see it again. Traveling south over the city, Murray,Sandy, then Draper. I didn't want to wreck and I was on the phone telling my husband about it. Anyway just really wierd. I know other people would have seen it. This is the second thing I have seen in a week. I also reported a star that moved during the day last sunday with my family seeing it also, and then later a flashing one.

Posted 2008-06-12

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