NUFORC UFO Sighting 62485

Occurred: 2008-04-02 00:20 Local
Reported: 2008-04-01 22:07 Pacific
Duration: 3-4 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Cramerton, NC, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Changed Colo

flashing light (multiple colors) in the skys over cramerton and ranlo nc just above the horizon shortly after midnite.

I walked out back to smoke a cigarette. Through the tree line behind our home and slightly above the horizon, I noticed flashing lights, like that of an airplane; only these appeared to be brighter even though there was an obvious distance between myself and the object. They were brighter and more colorful than the simple red green flashing of a plane’s wingtips. More colorful, meaning that it APPEARED to me that there was a blue and white flash along with the red and green.

I watched the object for about a minute or two, adjusted and cleared my eyes (I have perfect 20/20 vision) and got my fiancé from the living room. I asked her if she wanted to see a UFO and to come quick. She ran out, I pointed out the object to her and she also witnessed the object. We watched it move slightly in and out of view just above the horizon, again, at a distance. I had to move around a couple of steps to keep in into view; there was also a distant tree on a little hill that I was looking at the object through.

She asked me could it be a helicopter distantly overhead, and I said that I was pretty sure that it wasn’t. I have some dealing with helo’s in the past and I am sure that isn’t what it was. After moving around in the sky for a couple of minutes, the lights just turned off. An aircraft you would see the lights fade away, these simply just went out. There were no low clouds for the object to have hid behind; they simply went out like someone flipped a switch. I was so sure that what I was looking at was a UFO that if it had been earlier in the evening, I would have gotten my neighbors to look at it as well, but its kind of rude to wake someone up at just after midnight to tell them you think you have seen a UFO.


We wonder whether the witness might have been observing Sirius. PD

Posted 2008-04-17

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