NUFORC UFO Sighting 62175

Occurred: 2008-03-12 22:20 Local
Reported: 2008-03-13 01:12 Pacific
Duration: night
No of observers: 2

Location: Redlands, CA, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Color, Aircraft nearby

it looked like and orange glowing ball that moved like no object i ever seen in the skies

I was on my way home from work from Loma Linda CA. going east towards Redlands CA. down a backroad a couple of miles from the 10 freeway i noticed a lot of planes in the sky because of how clear it was I noticed an orange colored object about 80 degrees overhead it seem to stay as still as a star but I realized it was way to close to earth to be a star. For about a minute it then abruptly started to move west and then it changed course abruptly moving east and then just stayed in its position. For about 15 seconds it then drifted again east traveling up in a higher elevation By this time I pulled over and someone else behind me pulled over and we got out of our cars at the same time. We both were trying to figure out what it was. The most acurate part to what we both saw was that there was about three planes coming in different directions coming towards each other so comparing the way it moved and looked was very much different compared to the planes we were looking at in the sky. The planes in the sky had blinking lights like every plane does at night and this craft did not. The craft then again moved straight up in elevation then stayed in its position for another 30 seconds and disappeared in the direction of space. Me and this person I have never met stayed by the street and looked to see if it would reappear, it didn't. But for the next 30 minutes there seemed to be a lot of airplane activity in the same area.

Posted 2008-03-31

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