NUFORC UFO Sighting 62000

Occurred: 2008-02-16 12:00 Local
Reported: 2008-02-29 09:05 Pacific
Duration: Hours
No of observers: 28

Location: Panteago (Italy), , Italy

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Electrical or magnetic effects

Large moon like object over Italian Dolomites

I have recently returned from a skiing holiday in Italy with my school. Whilst we were there a large almost circular object was in the sky from when we arrived at 8 in the morning until 5 in the evening on around four different days, three consecutive and one the day after a one day gap.

When I saw the object for the first time I mistook it for the moon, but I soon realized I was wrong as the moon was in the sky at the same time as the object. I also checked if it was the sun but it wasn't. The object was almost a full circle but there seemed to be a small chunk missing from its bottom. The object looked to be about half the size of the moon which was visible at the time and was slightly bluer/grayer than the moon itself. As i have said earlier, for the first three days of the holiday the object was visible to the south but did not appear the next day and was visible the day after that to the east, but was considerable paler than before and blended in with the sky much more easily. As we were staying at a very busy ski resort many people from outside our school witnessed this too and an American man showed us a photo of the object which he had taken on his digital camera which when zoomed in looked as though there were hundreds of brightly lit windows on it.

Eventually, towards the end of the holiday the object was no longer visible, but my friends and I have many photos of it. One friend of mine has a zoomed in movie of the object in which the object seems to revolve very slowly. Another video taken, in the evening shows there to be about 4-6 small illuminated dots circling the object at what looks to be high speed.

A video I have taken, this time not with the object in the frame shows three car sized disks slowly moving over trees in a circular fashion, (they were moving in a circular formation and circling like a carousel). As these disks were flying only a few feet over the trees I managed to estimate they were about the size of a large car (20x20 feet). These disks are very clear and seemed to be slightly reflective. Also gray/black lines are visible on the beneath of the disks. While I was filming I did not notice these disks even though they appear to be flying slowly at around 40mph and were within about 200 feet of me at the time and first noticed them while I played them back on the computer. I assure you that these are not aircraft or light specs because you cannot hear the object on the video and there is a reasonable amount of detail on the disks as my camera is 10mp. Also, I don't know If this has anything to do with the disks or not but on the day I filmed this, everyone I knew , including myself who had taken a camera or mobile phone with them skiing that day had problems with them. For example, my camera wouldn't always tern on or off when I wanted it too and sometimes the zoom had a mind of its own.

If you could advise me what to do with these videos I would be very grateful.


We have written the source, inquiring whether the report is a hoax. Possible description of the Sun. PD

Posted 2008-03-04

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