NUFORC UFO Sighting 61663

Occurred: 1993-12-19 18:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2008-02-17 14:31 Pacific
Duration: 8-10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Ottumwa, IA, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects

1993 Evening Ufo sighting over Ottumwa, Iowa. Singular object splits in two, lights fly across sky.

On one evening around Dec 19-20 1993 (approx the date of Hubble's first repair mission, either the launch evening or the evening of the repair) a friend and I witnessed a Ufo fly over the area of Ottumwa, Iowa.

We had heard on television that NASA were working on the Hubble and we wanted to see if the shuttle was visible at all, my friend and I grabbed our binoculars and stepped out into the driveway of my home. We were looking all over (we really had no idea where the shuttle or telescope would be, we were simply enthusiastic teens looking around) 5 minutes or so go by... my friend was looking Southeast and I looked toward the Northeast for a while and paused, I then saw what appeared to be a shooting star, instantly it splits into two balls of light (i then told my friend to look at it) we both watched as the two lights flew in formation from Northeast to Southeast, their behavior was very bizarre and exciting to watch, they flew as if a ribbon had been placed up in the sky and they were following the shape of it, going up and down irregularly, the lights flew from left to right across the horizon like this. My friend was clever enough to grab his binoculars and watch as it trailed off into the horizon, all he could say was "no, way! no, way! because we both thought at the time we had just seen a Ufo. He reported the object was disc shaped through his binoculars after he watched it trail off into the distance.. I can't verify that it was, as all I saw were two lights.

These objects were witnessed for approximately 8-10 seconds, they crossed our field of view in that time and emitted no noise that we could hear. From our point of view the object entered from the Northeast, splt in two, travelled south and exited Southeast..

Many years later I heard of the phenomena of ball lighting, I thought perhaps that was what we had seen but the two light sources seemed to fly with each other the entire time. If I were to guess the altitude, over 1,000 feet above ground, probably anywhere from 1,000 - 5,000 would be my best guess, it appeared to be rather close from where we stood. There is a communications tower near here, it flew above and behind that at a distance. Speed, most likely over 1,000mph, It crossed our field of view in 8 seconds or so. I can't remember the color of the lights, all I remember is thinking the object was a shooting star at first..

I can provide an illustration of what we saw or a high quality animation if needed. I am an artist, it is actually easier for me to show what we saw than describe it. It would be an approximation however, I can't remember the exact details as it has been many years, the memory is still fairly vivid though..

Just thought I'd report this incase there was a similar sighting in the area on or around that date. This is 100% for real, no bs.

Posted 2008-03-04

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