NUFORC UFO Sighting 6133
Occurred: 1999-03-25 20:50 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-04-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: no more than8sec
No of observers: 2
Location: Interstate 40, East Bound, NC, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
on 03-25-99 me and my wife were on interstate 40 east bound when we saw a bright light in front of us it stoped and then all of a sudden it was gone at a very fast speed it lasted about 8 sec. and left at a very fast speed I do not think that this was any of our aircraft . Not it they way it was going i donot know if anyone else reported this because other vehicles were pulling over on the interstate to watch this thing
this was a very bright light the object was round this whole event took place in about 8sec. this all took place on interstate 40 going east bound .as I said other vehicles were pulling over to watch this alltook place in the state of North Carolina goine east bound i never seen a light so bright never and to be gone so quick is something else iam not a person who makes up things because of what i do Iam a Deputy Sheriff For Guilford county Retired i could not give you a county location because of passing from one to anouther on the Interstate when i got home i checked with the highway patrol to see if this had been reported They told me that they had no information
Posted 1999-04-26
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