NUFORC UFO Sighting 6121

Occurred: 1981-03-25 19:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-04-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 sec
No of observers: 2

Location: Pompano Beach, FL, USA

Shape: Triangle

Saw something that looked like a billiard rack silently moving south to north.

It was't very dark, the city lights were reflecting off the low rolling clouds. I went outside the house by the pool. I looked up and saw what I thought was a 2-sided triangle of birds flying in formation beneath the clouds. The only thing is, upon closer examination, the thing had three sides and for the life of me I could not see individual birds flying. It looked to me like one of those racks you use for playing billiards. It was silent, moving south to north. I asked my girlfriend to look at it, she didn't know what to make of it. It had no lights. I tried to calculate its size by comparing it to the distance to the bottom of the low rolling clouds. The reason I say "rolling" is that I could see the bottom of the clouds in detail, they were moving pretty fast. It was kind of windy that night. I've heard a lot of reports of "triangles" flying in the air, but never one like what I saw. I thought perhaps if you add this to your database, someone else may have seen something similar. I am a UNIX system administrator, I've been working with computers since 1986. I'm 40 years old, male, married, two kids.

Posted 1999-04-26

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