NUFORC UFO Sighting 61057
Occurred: 1975-08-10 21:00 LocalReported: 2008-01-21 09:07 Pacific
Duration: 3.0 mins
Location: Guyana, , Guyana
Shape: Light
Fast moving light object that circles other (stars) two times.
Many years ago when I lived in the Southern Hemisphere, viz, Guyana S/A, I would always look at the billions of stars available for viewing from being so close to the Equator. From the Equator you see the "rich" part of the Milky Way, as opposed to being in North America.
On this particular occasion which left me no doubt as to the existence of more advanced and intelligent life forms; I noticed one quickly discernible moving light object among the stars. What was peculiar about this object was that as it travelled across the sky, it would make two cicles around another (star)then travel in a straight line, make two circles around another (star) and so continued until I could no longer track the item because I had to blink since teh eyes become dry to dry to keep open. I am an avid Star gazer at every chance I get and hope to be able to own a good Refractor some day.
Posted 2008-01-21
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