NUFORC Sighting 60867

Occurred: 1984-07-15 02:00 Local
Reported: 2008-01-15 12:41 Pacific
Duration: one hour+
No of observers: 3

Location: Deming area, NM, USA

Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Lights on object

Cylindrical object hovering above the car as we traveled in the New Mexico desert.

In 1982, my two daughters and I were on a return trip from California to Dallas. I never had the money to stop at a motel along the way, so I usually drove straight through. A normal trip with the occasional rest-stops would take me about 28-32 hours. (LA to Dallas, via El Paso).

The time was approximately 2AM. We were in the desert in New Mexico, about two hours away from El Paso. The roads were clear, very little traffic except the occasional 18 wheeler. Running parallel with the highway is a rail-line. But, it is at least 5 miles in the distance.

The girls were asleep in the back seat. I promised them if they rested, we would stop in El Paso at our favorite Denny’s and have breakfast.

I had the window down, it was summer and the desert air was finally cool. I was very tired. My legs felt like lead, my hands were bruised from holding the steering wheel; and my eyes burned from lack of sleep.

I heard a whirring noise that I thought must be a helicopter or a small aircraft. The only difference was the noise was more of a soft hum than that of a gas fueled engine.

I glanced out the window and saw this object sort of hovering above my car, just a few feet above us. There was a row of lights along its cylindrical side. They were soft, blinking lights; twinkling more than blinking; nothing garish about them.

When I stared up at the object, it took off at an angle that no other aircraft I had ever seen could have done. It went on its side about half-way over and then with a soft” whoosh”, it was gone.

I shook my head and drove on and suddenly realized the aircraft was back, this time on the other side of the car. I leaned over and looked at it and it made the same noise and instantly was on my side of the car again. The aircraft followed my car, playing with me, dashing from one side of the car to the other; hovering in front of me, and following along behind, for about 20 miles.

When they took off, I heard the soft whoosh and watched as they disappeared in the beautiful night sky. I felt such a sadness that they were gone.

But, the strangest thing had happened. The girls were awake, and we were all completely refreshed as if we had been asleep for nine or ten hours. My legs were no longer tired, my eyes didn’t burn, and the girls were wide awake and jovial. We laughed the rest of the way to El Paso.

While we were freshening up in the restroom at Denny’s, my youngest daughter said to me, “Mommy, those were angels driving that air car. They knew you were going to have an accident if they didn’t help you.” I asked her how she knew that and she just smiled and shrugged.

After that, whenever I tried to talk about it, neither of the girls remembered the incident at all. I remember it as clearly as if it happened yesterday. I wish I could have thanked them.

Posted 2008-01-21

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