NUFORC UFO Sighting 60789
Occurred: 2008-01-08 14:00 LocalReported: 2008-01-12 06:09 Pacific
Duration: 10-20 seconds
No of observers: 11
Location: Trento (Mt. Palmis) (Italy), , Italy
Shape: Triangle
Italian UFO
Whilst on a school Skiing trip in Trento, Italy, myself, 8 other pupils, a skiing instructor and locals witnessed a ufo. At the time we were skiing down mount Alpamis and had just reached th bottom of the mountain when a fellow student pointed out an aircraft which looked like an American stealth plane.
After a few seconds we realised the plane was travelling too slowly to be an aircraft as it seemed to be blown by the wind. The object was around 0.5 km away from our position at the time. All the students I was with at the time witnessed this, so did a skiing instructor and a few Italians too. It seemed to be black/dark grey, with no lights and was not shiney. I estimate the object was the size of a small aircraft and was triangular with rounded off edges.
The next day our ski instructor was interviewed by the local police who told him it was most probably a kite or balloon, but admitted to him that in the past few monts there had been more than 14 sightings of the same description. It was certainly not a kite as it did not weave around like a normal kite and it was certainly not a balloon as its altitude did not change and was too big.
The objects was at an estimated 400 ft above ground level and left no haze and made no noise, although during the event, a truck behind us was reversing and its sirens were going off.
Posted 2008-01-21
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