NUFORC UFO Sighting 60718
Occurred: 1991-08-26 00:00 LocalReported: 2008-01-07 18:23 Pacific
Duration: 10min.
No of observers: 1
Location: Golqnovci (Bulgaria), , Bulgaria
Hello! I had a close encounter of the third kind in 1991. One night in August, at 1:00 o’clock in the morning, at the moment when I was about to go to bed, a grey humanoid appeared in my room. At first, everything was normal – we were sitting/standing (interchangeable in Bulgarian for remaining in place) and observing each other/looking at each other. It had an elliptical shaped head covered in grey coarse-grained skin/skin with large pores. Its eyes were enormous and black. At one point, I felt some force lifting and carrying my body somewhere. I got scared and I wanted to scream, but it was as if I was paralyzed. The last thing I remember were trees and leaves.
As far as observations of flying objects, I have had the opportunity to see at least 3 types, such as a fireball, a cigar and a dome-shaped one.
Original report in Bulgarian:
Sre6ta ot treti vid
Zdraveite! Prez 1991g.imah sre6ta ot treti vid. Edna no6t prez avgust v edin prez no6ta v momenta,v koito si lqgah se poqvi v staqta mi siv humanoid.V na4aloto vsi4ko be6e normalno-stoqhme I se nabludavahme vzaimno.Ima6e elipsovidna glava pokrita s siva edroporesta koja.O4ite mu bqha ogromni I 4erni.V edin moment usetih kak hqkakva sila povdiga I ponasq tqloto mi na nqkude.Upla6ih se,iskah da izvikam,no sqka6 bqh paralizirana.Poslednoto koeto pomnq sa durveta I lista.Kolkoto do nabludenie na letq6ti obekti sum imala vuzmojnosta da vida pone tri vida.Kato ogneno kulbo,kato pura I kupoloobrazen.
We would welcome an English translation of this report, submitted in Bulgarian. It appears to address an object which had been sighted at least on three occasions, but I do not have time to delve into translating it in its entirety. PD
Posted 2008-01-21
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