NUFORC UFO Sighting 60549
Occurred: 1996-07-06 23:00 LocalReported: 2007-12-29 00:08 Pacific
Duration: 12-15 sec.
No of observers: 1
Location: Brinnon, WA, USA
Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
I saw a glowing object of 10ft. high and 60ft. long traveling in a straight line, making no sound.
Approximately 11 years ago, I had a sighting of an object flying over the remote Olympic Peninsula town of Brinnon, Wa.
It was my first day at a camp site about 1 1/2 mi. West of Brinnon. I was hired as a carpenter to complete an octagon cabin to be used as a Lama pack base camp. That night about 11:00pm. as I was getting ready to retire in my tent, I looked up to notice a strange light moving through the trees. I was looking South and could see Mt. Jupiter in the background.
The object was glowing with a Yellow/White light and appeared to be moving in a Northeast direction, straight towards Bangor Wa. It was a quiet still night in mid Summer as this strange object made no sound or noise and appeared to be floating over the ground at a steady speed I can only guess at, maybe 100- 150 mi./hr.
It was gone from my sight in about 15 sec. It was not enough time to arouse my friend out of his tent to witness it. I sighed and thought to myself, no one is going to believe me! The object had no other identifying lights on it as navigation or strobes. We were located near some power lines and I thought about some phenomena that would involve high voltage electricity. I have heard of all the different phenomena of Earth lights and ball lightning. Neither of these seem to match as an explanation. I have sailed on several ocean voyages and have experienced lightning, St. Elmo's fire and phosphorescence, but this was really weird! If I held up my fingers at arms length, the object appeared to be the size of my first two joints of my little finger. I can only guess it was flying at about 50-100 ft. in elevation. The trees were silhouetted in front of the object with the mountain in the background.
Posted 2008-02-14
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