NUFORC Sighting 60494

Occurred: 2003-11-21 16:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2007-12-25 16:24 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: na, DC, USA

Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

USO seen my military coming up out of the water.

I was just watching a show on USO and it remained me of something I know but have never told anyone.

I am not sure if I should, some how it seen like the right thing to do.

I am giving you an e-mail that is not my real name, but please feel free to ask anything you wish.

I was called back to active duty for Iraq. I was working in DC in a vary secure room. I had 2 computers. One to use like you and everyone else and each of us had a secret computer.

One day someone said to go to a page on the secret computer and see what was going on. I did and it was a report of an event that was going on right then. I am not sure but I think the aircraft was a C-141 or some kind of military cargo plane. It was off the cost of Florida and reported that they had seen a craft come up out of the water and fly off.

In a few minutes they were tracking it and it was flying at (I think they said 60,000 ft). and was traveling at a speed of around 4,000 MPH. It was heading northwest.

We scrambled F-16’s. At the speed it was flying they scrambled planes from Chicago to be in front of it.

Somewhere need the South Bend, IN area it just went off the radar.

That was the end of that and I didn’t think anything more about it that day.

But the next day we had some people come into out area and cleaned the information about what had happened of all the computers that had been used in our area.

Where I work we had access to everything that was going on in the war and gave briefings to the Whit House and no one had ever cleaned any information off our computers before or after that. We had access to almost anything we wanted.

Well there it is for what it is worth.

I have signed a not disclosure form and it is good for 75 years so I really don’t want anyone to know who I really am.

Plus I am sure you get real good thing, not little things like this.

Thank you.


Witness indicates that the date of the event is approximate. PD

Posted 2008-03-04

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