NUFORC UFO Sighting 60161
Occurred: 2007-12-02 16:45 LocalReported: 2007-12-03 13:36 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby
Massive Object Seen Over 110 North Freeway In Los Angeles, 12/2/07
I saw this object twice, I believe. When driving home from work in West Hollywood, I witnessed a small round object, that looked to be either a very dark red or black.
I was driving north on La Cienega at around Wilshire. Two helicopters patrolled the area, and 1 plane descended slightly in it's flight path, possibly to avoid the object. After remaining stationary for just about 30 seconds, it began to move again, towards downtown (to my right at the time). While driving, I lost sight of the object behind trees and buildings.
Approximately 20 minutes later, at about 4:45PM, I was heading into downtown LA towards the central library. I was just exiting the 10 West onto the 110 North. As I came around the curve, I saw the object again, exactly as before, in the skies above the city to the north, northeast of route 110 (a little ahead and to the left of the highway from my perspective. I looked around at other vehicles and nobody seemed to notice it. Behind me in a white/cream colored volkswagen station wagon, were a couple in their late 60's, early 70's. They saw the object also, but exited at 9th St. I continued on the 110 to the 4th street exit, and as I did so the object came much nearer to the roadway. It was very large, massive is the word that I kept thinking. The closer it got to me, it looked less and less round, and I could identify individual colors, including red and black. The object was a structure, for certain, and was vaguely cube shaped. There appeared to be some sort of boom, or large metal pole hanging down below the craft. It did not look aerodynamic at all. It kept a solid form, and did not waver, heading in a straight line. It was was too big and way too stable to have been balloons blowing in the wind. It floated overhead, and I lost sight of it as I took the 4th street exit. I was back on the 110 heading south again 20 minutes later, and did not see the craft in the sky.
Posted 2008-03-04
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