NUFORC UFO Sighting 60152
Occurred: 2007-06-22 01:00 LocalReported: 2007-12-02 19:29 Pacific
Duration: 3 to 4 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Round Valley, ID, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Large Ball of Blue White Light Falling Toward Earth
On the morning of Friday 22 Jun 2007, we observed a unidentified object in the skiy in the area of Valley County, Idaho (Round Valley & Tripod Peak)(N44-23-02 degrees x W116-07-37 degrees. The object was a large ball of silver-blue-white light with a spasrkling surface. It had a small trail of the same colored light. It was visible to us at an angle of about 30 degrees above the ground in a falling trajectory of about 30 degrees relative to the ground.
During our observation the ball of light appeared to disappear behind some high hills in front of us in the area of Cascade Resevoir (N44-31-27 degrees x W116-02-59 degrees). If it had hit the gound we would have expected there to be a flash or very bright light in that direction - we did not see anything but it's diappearance behind the hill. The local Sheriff had several reports and sent a deputy to look for the object. The deputy did not find anything. It was not reported in the newspaper nor on TV, and the large airport tower to the south saw nothing in the air nor on its radar (they said).
Posted 2008-03-04
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