NUFORC UFO Sighting 60131

Occurred: 2007-12-01 22:00 Local
Reported: 2007-12-01 22:12 Pacific

Location: Stockton, CA, USA


A truly great service. . .

Peter, I have been a fan of your site for many years now. You have performed an invaluable service for a countless number of people who are fascinated by the subject of your work.

I have been increasingly disturbed by the number of negative comments that you have received regarding the "timeliness" of your postings. For any of your readers who might feel compelled to complain, let me say to them "don’t do it." The data that you compile and disseminate is of such importance that I am fearful that too much of those uninformed comments will cause you to throw in the towel and give it up. To those who might wish to complain, please know that this effort is made for your benefit and entertainment on truly "shoestring resources" (both financial and manpower). To my knowledge, Mr. Davenport receives no compensation at all for devoting his life to this cause. Before you file a complaint, think about the effort that must go into receiving, reading, cataloging, and posting the 400+ reports that I’m sure he receives every month. If you still feel justified in complaining, don’t bother checking the site.

Peter, thanks for all you do.


This is the type of comment that keeps me working at what, most of the time, seems to be a thankless task. Thank you for the comment in Stockton!! PD

Posted 2008-03-04

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