NUFORC UFO Sighting 60111
Occurred: 2007-07-02 21:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2007-11-30 18:42 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Licking, MO, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object
1/2 mile row of orange lights.
A few days before 4th of July me and my family were taking my dughter to my father s house in success MO. We left St. Louis around 7pm. The sighting took place on hwy 17 between licking and success. Anyway it was around 8 or 9pm and was dark.
There were 7 (i beleive 7) oarnge colored lights that appeared to be on top of a hill side about 4 miles off. However the 7 lights must have stretched 1/2 mile or so and they turned on and off in no specific order. Then we came to a curve in the road and the lights were not sitting on the horizon hillside but they were up in the air. Im guessing the hight of a small plane. The lights were in a straght line, It was too dark to see an outline so I cant say the shape, only that the lights stretched about 1/2 mile. The lights would turn off and on in differnt orders. Some times lights 1 2 and 7 would light up, then all would lights up, then some would go out and come back on. They did not flicker and did not blink. I was in the navy on an aircraft carrier and I also live close to St.Louis airport. This was not a plane, Too big and it had oarnge lights, no blue or red lights, no white lights. Also I know it was not military flares, do to the way they would light up. Sometimes 7th light and 2nd light would light. Then all would light, then most would turn off and later come back on. I thought it was really cool what we seen, However my wife was not impressed until a show on the history channel. It was a UFO show, UFO over illinois, I showed her what was on and then see was schocked, because the lights they show were what we saw. Also there is a video of UFO I beleive in Mexico, were a huge object is filmed over the city, with a straight row of lights that just turned on, It was very similar to that. I know that there is a military base close to my sighting, Fourt Leonardwood, But again, there is no way this was an aircraft, I don't know what it was but it was realy something to see. Thanks...
Witness indicates that the date of the incident is approximate. PD
Posted 2008-03-04
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