NUFORC Sighting 5988

Occurred: 1967-05-05 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1999-03-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: ~ 10 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Hallandale/Hollywood, FL, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

I observed a bright light in the distance that seemed to be making some very strange/irregular/quick movements across the night sky. The object kept getting closer as it was heading our direction. We pulled over off an exit ramp and observed the triangular shaped object silently hovering overhead.

One night, years ago, sometime between 1967/68, while driving home from a movie with my younger brother and my best friend (actually, my friend was driving, I was the front sea passenger), I observed a bright light in the distance making some very impressive, yet highly unorthodox, movements across the distant sky. As we continued to observe and we realized we were approaching the object and that it was heading our way too. The strange motion behavior I'm referring too, is it would appear to quickly race across the sky, come to a virtual standstill, then quickly dash across the sky in another completely different direction, where it would once again appear to just halt in the sky. It was a single bright light and did not have any flashing lights (typical of conventional aircraft). This observational phase went on for a few minutes. Eventually, we realized it was getting real close as we pulled off the highway exit ramp and pulled over. We were in an old ragtop VW so we didn't even have to get out of the car to witness what we then saw. Much to our astonishment, virtually hovering right over our head @ approximately 500-1,000 feet was a single, black, triangle shaped object. It had lights on each of its three tips, but none of them blinked, and they were all white/yellow in color. Needless to say, we were all blown away. We had never seen or heard of anything like what we were now observing. As we watched, the object literally just floated silently overhead in a very small circle course, right overhead. I remember verbally describing it in detail to my friend, so we could both validate we were observing, as frankly, it was very difficult to believe, event though we were all seeing ith with our own eyes. It was black, and totally silent. It would just slowly hover overhead or just come to a complete standstill. Becasue it was a clear night and the visibility was good, we could clearly see that it did not have wings and it certainly was no helicopter or any other conventional aircraft. It w! as simply a black triangle with no markings or flashing lights of any kind. It was completely silent in the quiet night sky; no prop sounds; no jet sounds. After watching it for a few minutes, it quit circling overhead and started to fly away slowly. Then, as quickly as you could blink your eye, it suddenly just shot off into the night sky faster than a bullet, without so much as emitting a single sound. It was truly an astonishing event to observe. We were all excited and drove home where we told our story to my disbeleining mom and dad. I actully called the local police dept. and Miami International airport to tell them what we saw and ask them if they had seen the object or traced it on radar. Both indicated that they didn't have a clue about what I described. None-the-less, my friend, my brother, and I all knew what we saw, and it was very real, and it wasn't anything that we knew existed in conventional aircraft. Over the years, I learned to just remain silent on the subject, as the usual response was one of disbelief. Frankly, that didn't bother me too much, because had I not seen what I saw with my own eyes, I too would've had a very hard time believing it. Then, I saw a special on TV recently (where I got your webpage info) and was totally blown away to discover that other people had also seen triangular UFOs! Prior to that, I thought all UFOs were circular or cigar shaped, as that's mostly what was represented in the various UFO books that I had stumbled on over the years. However, I must confess, that I have always been an airplane bluff and have kept pretty current over the years, so I was totally blown away when I first saw our F-117 Stealth plane. It made me wonder, "where did the air force come up with that idea/design?" Also, I have since actually seen the F-117 and though my memory has definitely faded some over the years, I'd guess that the physical size of the triangle we saw, was about the size of an F-117. However, what we saw was definitely NOT an F-117, as they can hove! r and they are louder than hell. Needless to say, I am convinced that what we saw over 30 years ago was definitely not of this earth.

Posted 1999-04-02

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