NUFORC UFO Sighting 59624
Occurred: 2007-11-02 03:59 LocalReported: 2007-11-04 14:05 Pacific
Duration: 40-45seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: San Antonio, TX, USA
Shape: Chevron
Characteristics: Lights on object
As I pulled out of a gas station, I saw a UFO hover over me.
I was pulling out of the gas station and turning on to the main road headed to work. I was adjusting my mirror when i glanced up & noticed 2 lights. Not the normal lights of an airplane that you would normally see that flash. These 2 Lights were not as bright either. The lights were circular and appeared to be on each ends of the chevron shape. Then in the middle i noticed a red light not as big as the other light I would say about half the size of the other light which appeared to be about the same size as the wing.
For a minute i thought maybe it is a plane or maybe it's just a helicopter so i rolled the window down but no noise. Certainly if it was one the 2 aircrafts i would hear something. Then I noticed it was flying way too slow to be an airplane or helicopter. It almost seemed as it was hovering over but it was moving.
I drove under it and lost sight then I looked in the mirror to see it because I was still coming to grasp with what I saw. But when I looked in the mirror I didn't see it. I thought maybe the angle I was at didn't allow me to see so I turned the car around, and to my suprise it was gone completely from the sky. I looked around to see maybe it just trailed off but i was gone.
Posted 2007-11-28
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