NUFORC Sighting 59590

Occurred: 2007-11-02 21:05 Local
Reported: 2007-11-02 20:51 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Powder Springs, GA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

I observed a triangle in the sky.

I was traveling westbound on Hwy 120, toward Dallas. When I was approximately one mile East of Lost Mountain Road, I observed a row of bright white lights that were at an unknown distance ahead of me and appeared to be heading east. From my perspective these lights were slightly above the tree line. As the aircraft got closer I observed what appeared to be a large, light blue lamp on the bottom. This lamp blinked slowly, unlike strobes on other aircraft that I have observed. At this time, I estimated the altitude of the aircraft to be to be 4,000 to 5,000 feet and it was slightly to my left. This is when I was able to see that the aircraft had a distinct triangular shape. The surface was dark compared to the sky above, which was a lighter shade of gray. The fuselage and the wing were one in the same. From this perspective, almost below the aircraft, there was one white light at each corner of the triangle. The forward most angle of the triangle was slightly greater then the two angles that were equal in the aft section of it. I immediately turned left into a community ballpark in an attempt to continue watching this flying machine. Unfortunately, light pollution from the ball field obscured my view.

Posted 2007-11-28

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