NUFORC UFO Sighting 59583

Occurred: 2007-11-01 22:00 Local
Reported: 2007-11-02 16:40 Pacific
Duration: at least 6 hours
No of observers: 1

Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Lights on object

very bright,stationary white light rapidly flashing on and off. It stayed in the same spot for at least 6 hours.

I saw a very bright, silent, white light rapidly flashing on and off. It did not move at all. I observed it at about 10:00 pm. It was still in the exact same spot flashing on and off at 3:30 am. It was not a planet because planets don't blink on and off and it was not a helicopter because it did not move at all.

Posted 2007-11-28

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