NUFORC UFO Sighting 59582

Occurred: 2007-11-02 05:00 Local
Reported: 2007-11-02 16:33 Pacific
Duration: 6 hours
No of observers: 11

Location: Deline (Canada), NT, Canada

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

WE viewed as illuminated disc like shaped object in the sky for over 3 hours and got it all on video.

We were awakwen by a telephone call at 5 am telling us about the bright light in the sky but ignored it. By 8:00 am we had our video camera (8mm camcorder) out and recorded off and on right up to about 10:45 am but could still see it with the naked eye to just about 11:00 am.

The object was a cirle with smaller circles going right from the center to the outer surface with a black dot on the inside of it that moved within the cirlce. At one point, there were 3 black dots. It glowed green around the edge and frequently changed to purple. It hovered for a very long time. As the morning progressed and the day light crept in, a haze appeared beside it and it looked like a trail of smoke. This happened 3 times. At one point, a small plane flew under it and landed without incidence and the plane is on the video under the object. The plane was not chasing the object.

The object moved side to side and in and out and is very clear in our video. I also took a few digital pictures but are not as clear as the video. Just after day break, the cirlular object turned on its side and changed shape into a ufo as depicted in many movies and documentaries. An army helmet like shape.


Venus? PD

Posted 2007-11-28

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