NUFORC UFO Sighting 5958
Occurred: 1999-03-17 20:15 LocalReported: 1999-03-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 to 15 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Vernon, NJ, USA
Shape: Cylinder
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Saw 1 UFO hovering over Mountain Creek Ski Resort. Stopped my car on side of road and got out to view.Dark clear night sky. Craft was long and basically rectangular with rounded corners. Viewed for 10-15 minutes. Craft hovered ,but rotated slowly above treetops in full view. Then craft disappeared in wink of an eye.
Viewed 1 UFO craft hovering above Mountain Creek Ski Resort in Vernon, NJ Ski area lights were on, but lifts not operational due to warm weather. Craft was rectangular and long with rounded corners. Not a cylinder, but long. Longer sides had an illuminated rectangular red panel centered on the side. There was a series of bright white lights that appeared round in shape. The series of these lights were comprised of 4 or 5 lights. Was hard to be sure due to their extreme brightness. Craft rotated slowly and co ntinuously in a 360 degree clockwise direction. Belly of craft was not illuminated at all, but couldn't get cear view of it due to white light brightness. Ends of craft were not illuminated at all. No noise was detected. My car was parked on the southbound side of RT. 94 in Vernon Township, NJ across from main parking lot of ski resort. I stood in parking lot to view craft. After 10 to 15 minutes of this, the craft simply vanished. There was no discernable take off, so I can't say what direction it went to The craft was located in an easterly direction when viewed. I have never before seen a craft like this. Could not distinguish any markings or what the craft was made of. Red panels on sides appeared to be backlit, like a taillight on a car. Appeared to be a lens covering of some sort.
Posted 1999-04-02
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