NUFORC UFO Sighting 5954
Occurred: 1975-01-13 01:30 Local - ApproximateReported: 1999-03-17 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 - 10 mins.
No of observers: 1
Location: Uxbridge, MA, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Changed Colo
Was driving South on Route 146 through Uxbridge, MA (Approx. 5 miles N of the Rhode Island border.) I was alone. Observed a bright white light move rapidly from left to right, above and in front of me. (Could not judge size but appeared to be slightly larger than a plane would have been.) Approx. 10 - 20 seconds later, what I took to be the same object came back accross the highway in the opposite direction, only at much slower speed and was amber in color. I observed the object move slowly off to the left (to the NE) where it appeared to stop and "hover" in the sky. Object then suddenly changed to a bright red color. (As if someone had simply turned a light switch ..... it just changed color.) Lost sight of the object behind the tree line as I continued South. No sound(s) were noticed.
Not much to add from summary description above other than it was quite upseting. (Scared the "hell" out of me.) Somehow had the feeling the object knew i was observing it or that it was observing me. Didn't wait around to find out. Unfortunately traffic was very light at that late hour. I did not notice any other cars on the road during this time. As stated above the object appeared to be a bright white light, moving rapidly from left to right directly in front and above my location. given my direction of travel it seemed to be going from the NE to SW. My first thought was that it was a plane but was going much too fast. Only seconds later the light came back into my view over the tree line, now going in the opposite direction (from SW to NE) only much slower than before.(Note, while briefly out of my sight the object appeared to have changed to an amber color.) As I proceeded along the highway for approx. anothr 2 - 3 miles I had the object in my sight off to the left. It seemed to stop completely, hover for several seconds, then changed to a red color very suddenly. I became quite frightned, never having seen anything like this. (And being alone on the highway late at night.) I got the hell out of there as fast as I could. I do not recall any sounds associated with the object. I did not think the object was a plane or helicopter. Light did not blink. Flight path seemed to be extremely straight ..... precise is probably a better description. No banking, bouncing, blowing in the wind, or sudden altitude changes, etc. Just a straight line .... first a bright light very fast from left to right. Then back the other way much slower .... now amber in color. Moving slowly, slowly slowly off to the left then stopping. Then BANG a change to red. It was, however, a long time ago. Incident is still quite clear in my mind though.
Posted 1999-04-02
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