NUFORC UFO Sighting 59061

Occurred: 1979-07-01 23:00 Local
Reported: 2007-10-02 20:16 Pacific
Duration: 20-25 min
No of observers: 4

Location: Houghton Lake, MI, USA

Shape: Light

Orange lights over Houghton Lake MI

While on vacation at Houghton Lake one summer, myself a friend my dad and mom and I think my brother and a fiend of his were sitting out during the evening around a camp fire at the edge of the Lake on the south side when we noticed round orange lights on the other side or toward the north side of the lake.

I at first thought they were lights of cabins or campfires on the other side or maybe boat lights but as we observed them they apeared to be in the sky over the lake or maybe farther north over Higgins Lake.

They began making formations, diamond, square and straight line patterns and also appeared to dance and chase each other.

We watched this for 20 mins or more and speculated what they may be, perhaps aircraft from Camp Grayling approx. 30 miles to the North? We heard no sound and after 25 min.the lights dissapeard down over the northern tree lines.

I have never seen lights similar to that since.


Date of the event may be approximate. PD

Posted 2007-10-08

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